Imperium Dekadenz

Procella Vadens

BY Clare BuchananPublished Feb 1, 2010

Germany's Imperium Dekadenz combine the most emotionally hard-hitting elements of black and doom metal to create a wistful, mid- to down-tempo album ― melancholic or depressive black metal, in other words. Single kicks or rolling double bass, mournful melodies and simple but effective songwriting culminate in a satisfying record, even if it does make you feel slightly suicidal. Despite only the occasional foray into blistering blast beats, these guys succeed in making the release feel as though it's progressing through a variety of tempos and instrumentation. Lilting breakdowns (comprised of acoustic guitar, keyboards, or both) are well executed. The only complaint is that Procella Vadens feels a little drawn-out, as though it's a song or two too long, yet, taken individually, there aren't any obviously expendable tracks. Their third full-length record to date, Imperium Dekadenz have carved out a nice little fan base, and hopefully will continue to impress.
(Season of Mist)

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