Josh Reichmann Oracle Band

Crazy Power

BY Ian GormelyPublished Mar 5, 2009

The Josh Reichmann Oracle Band take '70s funk and glam rock, mix them with a dash of post-millennial indie rock and end up with a record that sounds like a space rock version of the last TV on the Radio album. At least that's the simplest way to put it. For his debut full-length, Reichmann enlisted former Tangiers band-mate James Sayce and Sebastien Grainger to help bring his creation to life, and got former Thrush Hermit bass player Ian Maggetigan to put the whole thing on tape. Crazy Power's best tracks tend to employ the "everything and the kitchen sink" mentality, like on opener "Spirits Don't Leave," thanks to the inclusion of Steve Singh on keyboards and Joseph Shabason playing sax. They give the songs a robust vibe without feeling gimmicky, and Grainger's swing beats keep the whole thing from falling apart and gives the album some swagger. Consequently, when Reichmann and his pals do slow it down things quickly loose momentum. Crazy Power is a lot to take in one sitting, as songs begins to blend together, but repeated listens reveal something new to love each time.
(Paper Bag)

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