Go seek out any promotional dribble written about Victory Records June and youll find that the best description anyone has to say about their music is that its "infectious. Well, thank you to this Chicago born emo pop quartet for the reminder that there are still plenty of infections you dont want to catch. On Make It Blur, the bands second full-length, June are desperately reaching out for catchy hooks to overshadow their painfully weak lyrics, transparent guitar-driven melodies and vocals that sound strangely familiar. Its almost a good thing that Tony Brummel and Victorys associated antics have been in the spotlight as of late or someone might have noticed their feeble attempt at re-releasing a Fall Out Boy record under another title. Fans of Taking Back Sunday and Panic at the Disco might enjoy the sheer simplicity of the 12 tracks on their self-described "pop rock masterpiece, though fans that cherish originality might want to pass.
Make it Blur
BY Michelle CampbellPublished Aug 16, 2007