Kathleen Edwards Introduces Her New (Fake) All-Female Canadian Band: Modern Beaver

BY Stephen CarlickPublished Oct 23, 2012

Here's a light chuckle to help get you through the week: in an interview about her ECHO Songwriting Prize win last week, Canuck singer-songwriter Kathleen Edwards spun quite a yarn for Exclaim! Pressed about what she has planned for the rest of the year, the fiery Ottawan had us on by promising that she'd be starting a new band called, um, Modern Beaver.

"I have some time off in November and I'm working on this all-lady band called Modern Beaver," she confessed, a smirk barely audible behind her matter-of-fact drawl. "It's a Canadian explosion of sexual fantasy and sloppy rock'n'roll. Modern Beaver is going to record some songs, I think, in the fall."

Who else is planned to be in her sexed-up all-girl revue?

"Hannah Georgas, Rose Cousins, Jenn Grant," Edwards lists. "We're still taking some names and applications. Julie Fader. There are a couple of other ladies I'd like to have come be a part of it. We just have to work out schedules. Modern Beaver's going to be the most lucrative thing I've ever done in my life. Just because of the band name.... No one's going to give a fuck about the music.

"We're going to be the Canadian sex parade, coming to your town. Can you believe no one owned Modernbeaver.com? I fucking own it. I also have Modern Beaver on Twitter. We're going all out."

Then, of course, the clincher: "We're going to hire an aesthetician: I'm going to have a clover leaf, someone's going to have a red heart... Julie Fader's going to have a yellow star, 'cause she's blonde."

Not ones to miss out on the fun, everyone at Exclaim! has already shaved themselves a fine ace of spades in anticipation of the first show. Let us know when it is, won't you, Kathleen?

UPDATE: Edwards maintains via Twitter that Modern Beaver is the real deal, pointing to a Modern Beaver Twitter as proof. This morning (October 23), she tweeted at us to "please print a correction. This is not fake. It's not a joke. It's not funny, either. Serious motherfucking beavers here."

As of now, we're picturing this, but for real: if Modern Beavers is happening, we're stoked. After all, we've been waiting since August 29, 2011 to hear the band's song "Bra Law." So, Kathleen — Where's the Beav?

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