Kid Sister Preps Debut For September, Cancels Rock the Bells Toronto Appearance

BY Cam LindsayPublished Jul 15, 2008

After months and months and months of waiting, it appears we can finally let out a sigh of relief as Kid Sister's long-awaited debut album has been given a firm release date by her labels Downtown Records and Fool's Gold of September 23, as well as a title, Dream Date (though I much prefer the previous working title, Koko B. Ware). So determined is the MC also known as Melisa Young to hit this target that she's had to cancel her July dates — yes, that means she won't be appearing at this coming Sunday's Rock the Bells extravaganza in Toronto.

Sacrifices must be made, but Kid Sister sounds genuinely apologetic in a recent MySpace blog post:

Hey, friends and loved ones and cuties of myspace-land! I have some kinda great and kinda crappy news to share with everybody. First off, y'all know I hardly ever ever EVER cancel shows, but this month I've had to cancel almost everything to finish work on the album. That includes HARD festival, which I was really looking forward to. I just really want to apologize for that... I'm very sorry. I never wanted to be the kind of artist that lets anybody down or gets all flaky-flaky. I hope everyone will understand that I'm just trying to make this album great and not trying to pull any funny business. So let's not get all crazy-like and leave flaming bags of doggie booboo on my doorstep or TP my bike.

haha ;) You wouldn't do that now would you? Would you??

Anywayz, on to the good news: THE ALBUM'S ALMOST READY TO COME OUT!!!!!!!!! YAYYYY! FINALLLLY! EIGHT, count 'em, EIGHT new heaters and lotsa surprises hiding behind every corner! Aww sooky sooky nah! WOOO!

Whew. Okay. Time to breathe, lamaze style... I honestly feel like a first-time mom, 9 months pregnant, ready to pop. SO SCARY! I've been working on this record for a minute and don't exactly know what to expect when it drops but will hafta trust that I'll know what to do when it happens.

I want yall to cross your fingers and say a little prayer for yr girl, k?

Kid Sister feat. Kanye West "Pro Nails"

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