The Knife's Karin Dreijer Andersson Shares More Fever Ray Details

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Dec 9, 2008

The Knife's Karin Dreijer Andersson has let us in on some more details about her secretive new solo project Fever Ray. Via her website, the Swede has revealed that North America can expect a Fever Ray full-length on March 24 via Mute, as well as the record's first digital-only single "If I Had a Heart" - "a stirring mantra, a boundless loop, a deep sleep spreading over fields and endless oceans," as Dreijer Andersson puts it - on December 15.

In a statement, Dreijer Andersson explained: "I had so many songs to record that I just had to make an album. My aim was to finish the album and now that it's done I'm a bit restless."

And it appears this restlessness has also led her to get working on a Fever Ray live act. "During the last few years I discovered that I like to sing too, so I hope that my newly found live band will make it to the stages next year," she said. "We are rehearsing and building something beautiful and brilliant."

There's no word, though, on when audiences can expect to see any live Fever Ray action, nor does the news of the full-length come with any of the usual album details, meaning no tracklisting, title or artwork have been revealed yet. However, a video for "If I Had a Heart" is expected to arrive shortly and to be directed by Knife/José González director of note Andreas Nilsson.

In other Knife news, as previously reported, the brother-sister duo are fast at work on a Darwinian opera, titled Tomorrow, in a Year, which has led Dreijer Andersson's brother Olof Dreijer to the Amazon "to record animals, fish and plants."

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