L.S. Dunes Defend AI Music Video

"'Old Wounds,' at its core, is a song about intent, and what role it plays in the perception of good and evil. The conversation surrounding generative art draws a parallel to that in many ways."

Photo: Luke Dickey

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Sep 27, 2023

L.S. Dunes seem to be running into more trouble than most with their music videos. After the post-hardcore supergroup released their visual accompaniment to their song "Grey Veins" this summer, the band's Frank Iero claimed that LEGO tried to have it pulled from the internet over the use of copyrighted materials.

Now, following backlash to a 10-second clip of the forthcoming video for "Old Wounds," L.S. Dunes have issued a statement defending their decision to use the generative AI platform @IAMMETHISISI to create the visual.

"L.S. Dunes and its collective members have been longtime supporters and advocates of artists of all kinds. Over the years we have commissioned art pieces from well-known professional artists, unknown semi-professional artists, and fans of the band just starting out and creating things for fun," the band wrote. "When we saw the images created by @IAMMETHISISI we knew immediately this was the artist we wanted to work with to make the visual accompaniment for our latest original song, 'Old Wounds.'"

They continued, "'Old Wounds,' at its core, is a song about intent, and what role it plays in the perception of good and evil. The conversation surrounding generative art draws a parallel to that in many ways. It's clear that our vision for this particular video has sparked a dialogue of opposing views and got people thinking, and talking, and feeling without even seeing the entire video. Isn't that what art should do?"

The use of artificial intelligence in the arts is obviously a very contentious hot-button issue right now, with both the Grammys and the JUNOS deciding that viral AI-generated "Drake" and "the Weeknd" song "Heart on My Sleeve" would not be eligible for award consideration. On the other side, some artists like shy kids are siding with L.S. Dunes and arguing that it can be another tool to get their message across.

See the full statement from the band below, where the top commenter accuses them of using ChatGPT to write it.

A post shared by L.S. Dunes (@lsdunes)


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