Lamb of God's Randy Blythe Sets to Work on Sci-Fi Novel

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Jan 8, 2016

While Randy Blythe continues to carve out a path with his longtime thrash project Lamb of God, the metal vocalist looks to be building up his writing career as well. After having released his memoirs in 2015, Blythe is now considering penning a technology-exploring novel set in the future.

A recent interview with Blythe had him explaining that he's begun to outline his first fictional novel. Not much is known about the project yet, but Blythe is apparently sorting out how to present the future, considering the quick shifts made in present-day technology.

"It's set 50 to 100 years in the future," he told Metal Hammer of the book. "I'm wracking my brain right now, because you have to figure out all sorts of little things we don't think about, because of the incredibly rapid advancement of technology."

Few plot points have been revealed thus far for the as-yet-untitled project, but Blythe has apparently already axed the possibility of a bleak ending. He's reasoned "that's self-indulgent."

Blythe added: "I've been thinking about how I can make the end of the book optimistic, and it's hard. And I haven't decided how it's going to end, but more than likely there's got to be an optimistic end. Otherwise, I'll just be fucking depressed. And real life is depressing enough."

As he begins to plug away at this latest literary project, he admits that crafting a novel is not the same as scripting out lyrics for Lamb of God.

"Writing a book makes writing a record look like going to kindergarten," he said. "It's a much more tense, concerted, extended, creative effort — it requires a lot of focus that this environment does not provide."

Blythe's Dark Days: My Tribulation and Trials memoir found the metal singer detailing his well-publicized manslaughter trial in the Czech Republic, stemming from the death of a 19-year-old fan's stage-diving-related death during a Lamb of God concert in 2010. Blythe had been jailed, but was found not guilty.

Lamb of God are touring the U.S. this month with Anthrax. You'll find the show schedule here.

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