LCD Soundsystem to Release New Songs Tonight

"Call the Police" and "American Dream" will arrive at midnight

BY Sarah MurphyPublished May 4, 2017

LCD Soundsystem have been working on a new album for quite a while now, and the reunited dance-punk crew have just offered up another update on the impending LP — and a promise to deliver new material later today (May 4).
Frontman James Murphy insists that the record is "seriously almost done," explaining that the to-do list is down to just one more vocal and two more mixes. And athough there's still no official release date on the upcoming LP, Murphy and co. are ready to share some new music. A pair of songs from the new record — titled "Call the Police" and "American Dream" — will be released tonight at midnight.

UPDATE (4/5, 3:20 p.m. EDT): You can now stream "Call the Police" over here.
In a Facebook post, he wrote:
As eager as folks have been for me to get this done, it's got nothing on how much I want to be finished myself. It's been one of the most enjoyable records to make in my life, if not the most fun ever (I think it is, for sure, the happiest I've ever been making a record.) So it will be sad in some ways to see it leave the house etc., but we're really looking forward to not feeling 'late' all the time, and being able to do things like plan a weekend to do something fun. Or respond to an email about eating with a friend with something other than 'I'm sorry! I'm totally buried in the LP! Check with me in a month?'
As a self-described "old person," Murphy also noted that he's insisting the vinyl version be ready on release day, though that date hasn't been set yet.
He outlined the remaining steps in the process, thusly: "finish last mix > get to [Weston] to master > get masters to pressing plant > plant takes X amount of time > records get to distro so that they can go to stores > record released" — adding, "However long that takes = when the record will be out."
He did note that "jockeying for position in line at pressing plants" and various other issues are out of his control, but he says, "I've been assured by folks I trust that there are a series of fast runners in sweat wicking clothing waiting at the line for the baton to then bolt forward."
The band recently unveiled a string of new songs during their Brooklyn residency last month, and are expected to perform new material when they appear as the musical guests on Saturday Night Live this weekend (May 6).
Check out Murphy's complete Facebook update below.

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