The opening track of this deceptively titled album might best accompany science show time lapse footage of a plants life cycle condensed into ten seconds. "Hibiscus is a glissandi tempest with Joelle Leandres cello and Mat Maneris violin providing the buffeting winds while Christophe Marguets tin roof drumming and Joel Ryans watery electronics bring the rain. The following "White Lily and "Water Lily tracks mellow things out a little, with the high and low stringed instruments bracketing the action and interacting like distorted reflections of each other. Ryans electronics are fairly transparent for the first half of the album but make their presence felt on "Crocus, depositing Marguets brushed drums into a watery, cavernous cistern. Closer "Iris brings together all four instruments in a lengthy, dynamic, but ultimately sublime collision of sounds
not unlike a field of flowers, I suppose.
(Leo)Leandre / Maneri / Marguet / Ryan
For Flowers
BY Eric HillPublished Jun 1, 2004