Loscil Reveals Plans for Innovative New Music App Project

BY Alex HudsonPublished Nov 15, 2013

Various artists have used smartphone apps as a method to share music, and Vancouver ambient artist Loscil is taking a particularly unique approach to the medium. The sound experimenter also known as Scott Morgan has a new musical project in the works that he intends to release through smartphones and tablets.

He told FFWD Weekly that the project isn't an app, but rather an "electronic album thing." It will apparently combine music with visuals and will sound different every time it's played.

"It's a different way of composing, because instead of just writing a piece, I have to actually write all of the little components that randomly get played back together by the thing," Morgan said. "I'd say I'm about 25 percent into the music side of it... I just have to figure out how to get it out there into the world and hopefully get people talking about it and listening to it."

A prototype has already been created by a programmer, while artist Carrie Walker — who painted the cover for 2012's Sketches from New Brighton — is creating visuals. The music, however, has been slow going, since Loscil is funding it himself.

"My goal was to try and get it together by the end of the year, but I think now it's probably going to be early next year," he said. "Hopefully it won't take me the rest of my life."

In the interview, Loscil also revealed his busy working on his proper follow-up to Sketches from New Brighton for Kranky.

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