
"Gunshotta" (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Sep 24, 2013

To support Machinedrum's upcoming Vapor City, the electronic artist's moody and frantic dust-up "Gunshotta" gets a ritualistic clip set in a gloomy, post-apocalyptic landscape of urban decay.

The male-pattern bonding of the gas-masked and bandana-sporting bunch starts off with a good old-fashioned game of hot potato, though played with a bleached-out skull. They then charge around broken down buildings to watch a showdown between a pair of bros, and spoiler: it doesn't end up well for one of the toughs.

You can ruminate on the results of the crew's fight club by streaming the video down below.

As previously reported, Vapor City drops September 30 through Ninja Tune and will be supported by a fall tour that hits up Montreal, Victoria and Vancouver. You'll find the show details over here.

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