Maestro Fresh Wes

"Black Trudeau" (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Jun 26, 2013

Following the release of Maestro Fresh Wes's new Orchestrated Noise noise LP yesterday (June 25), the godfather of Canadian hip-hop is highlighting album track "Black Trudeau" with a slideshow-style video clip.

The track has the Canadian music icon saluting a bunch of his fellow Canucks, whether mentioning Drake in verse, or by scrolling by pictures of various Olympians, Jarome Iginla and Justin Bieber. It's not all love, though, with a punny "Stick to Nutrition" fat joke hurled at Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, and other barbs targeting Prime Minister Stephen Harper and former PM Brian Mulroney.

You can catch Wes sounding off on the good and the bad of the nation down below.

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