Me First and the Gimme Gimmes

Blow In the Wind

BY Chris GramlichPublished May 1, 2001

Some jokes never seem to tire, despite the fact that the punch-line is always the same, it's the telling that constantly changes - like constantly finding different ways to say the same thing. Me First... have mastered this art, and despite the fact that it would seem that three (?) albums of punking up old show tunes, musical numbers, '50 and '60s rock, folk songs and just about anything else they find remotely humorous should be cold in the ground, it isn't. This time, tracks by Bob Dylan ("Blowin' In the Wind"), the Beach Boys ("Sloop John B," just check out the vocal harmonies) Tammy Wynette ("Stand By Your Man"), Cat Stevens ("Wild World"), etc. get the Gimmes treatment, and are as irreverent, energetic and funny as on past Gimme releases, but still seem like more of a homage than a piss take. Standouts include "My Boyfriend's Back," "I Only Want To Be With You" and "Who Put The Bomp," all of which withstand repeat listening. Purists may frown and pop-punk youngsters may be lost, but it's got a good beat and you can dance to it, not to mention sing-along.
(Fat Wreck)

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