Miesha and the Spanks

Girls Girls Girls

BY Paul BlinovPublished Mar 19, 2018

"Can't find something to fight for / I guess we'll fight for fun" goes a particularly telling line on Miesha and the Spanks' Girls Girls Girls. Fun is prevalent across the Calgary duo's fourth full-length album a panoply of riff-riding garage rippers but as the first part of that lyric suggests, they're searching for a riot as much as a revelry.
"Lost Boy" channels Iggy Pop atop its dark-surf vibes, offering a weary take on navigating the world at large, while the heavy, driving title track opines "all my 20s spent on boys and bars / and the boys have lost their fun." There's a certain resignation to Miesha Louie's lyrics here, but they always seems couched in grit and defiance rather than defeat. Elsewhere, "Atmosphere" feels like an instant pop-punk classic, handily earning its clappable chorus, and Louie flexes her six-string muscle on opening stomper "First Love, First Blood."
With just guitarist-vocalist Louie and lone Spank Sean Hamilton on drums, Girls Girls Girls seeks to maximize the impact of the duo's Spartan palette. Producers Paul Rawson and Buzzcocks drummer Danny Farrant focus and clarify the sound: the guitar roars, the drums pummel, the vocals compel. And unlike the Crüe it lifts its title from, Miesha's Girls Girls Girls looks to unpack the good times as sharply as it rallies for them.
(Saved by Vinyl)

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