Mind of a Squid

Down Low

BY Roman SokalPublished Jan 1, 2006

Headed by guitarist, "the atomic cosmonaut,” Erik Culp, Toronto's Mind of a Squid take on a musical veil of antiquated psychedelia shoegazer gliding-groove rock and retrofit it with futuristic left-field conceptual arrangement gadgetry to create an experience unto itself. For their sophomore release, they further their film soundtrack-like approach into new territory yet at the same time, simplifying and making their tracks more accessible to all by disposing of any extremities in indie-esoterica and also doing something they haven't done before by adding vocals. Though the traditionalist angelic cosmopolitan style vocals of Marina Adam do not much depth, they do find a comfortable space within the hypnotic rhythms. And obligatorily required, I feel I must give some earthly references to this otherworldly music; MOAS can be placed non-linearly somewhere between More-era Pink Floyd, Do Make Say Think, KC Accidental, Yume Bitsu and Subarachnoid Space. Kudos as well go to the designers of the packaging, who perhaps have created the best looking album to come from this region this year. Enjoy.

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