Miracle Fortress

"Raw Spectacle"

BY Alex HudsonPublished Apr 5, 2011

Here at Exclaim!, we're eagerly anticipating Was I the Wave?, the latest from Montreal's Miracle Fortress. We have three weeks before it drops in Canada on April 26 via Secret City Records, and to tide you over, here's a stream of lead-off single "Raw Spectacle."

This six-minute electro epic begins with swirling synth ambience before building up into a sweeping, atmospheric dance track. Songwriter Graham Van Pelt could have turned this one into a clubby rave-up, but he went for something subtler and more intriguing instead.

You can also download "Raw Spectacle" for free from the Miracle Fortress website or stream it below.

Miracle Fortress - Raw Spectacle by SecretCityRecords

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