
Julia With Blue Jeans On

BY Matt BobkinPublished Oct 25, 2013

Over the years, one could get a sense of Canadian musician/lyricist Spencer Krug through his various musical endeavours, including Wolf Parade, Sunset Rubdown, Swan Lake and his solo project, Moonface. However, no past release has managed to show a more intimate side of Krug than Julia With Blue Jeans On, a solo piano record. Despite the album's limited musical arsenal, Krug proves that he doesn't need layers of instrumentation and electronics to craft a series of songs that engage and convey emotion. Standout tracks "Julia With Blue Jeans On" and "Black is Back in Style" put Krug's psyche on full display while featuring no shortage of melody, evolving and shifting to avoid becoming stale. Krug's distinctive warble leads each tune, but his piano playing is not to be overlooked — lengthy instrumental breakdowns on "Dreamy Summer" and album closer "Your Chariot Awaits" retain command with expertise. Krug doesn't let the instrumental limitation restrict him and, while the listening experience jarringly contrasts his past body of work, it exposes a rawer, more intimate side of Krug, to much success.
(Paper Bag)

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