Morrissey Tried to Partake in Blackout Tuesday and Twitter Was Pissed

"Mate, you've 'flirted' with racism for years, you are literally part of the problem"

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Jun 3, 2020

Blackout Tuesday found the vast majority of the music industry joining in #TheShowMustBePaused initiative — even if their past actions directly contradicted the movement. Among the controversial figures taking part was Morrissey, leading many on Twitter to call the move more than a little hypocritical.

Like so many, the former Smiths singer took to his Twitter to tweet #TheShowMustBePaused — an initiative created by two Black women urging the music industry to step back and take a moment of silence while it listened to the Black community.

The initiative came from a productive place, hoping to create a positive and progressive path forward. However, in recent years, the former Smiths singer has been anything but positive. From supporting far-right political groups to troubling views on race to booting out protesters, Moz has repeatedly drew criticism — not to mention outright bans — in recent years over his actions. As a cherry on that toxic cake, he even released a T-shirt of a cop beating the hell out of someone.

Despite all that, Moz joined in for Blackout Tuesday.
But as you can see below, the response was pretty critical, with many using the opportunity to highlight the singer's past wrongs.

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