Feldman's meditation on triads (a three-note chord ― think power chord but picked apart) is a one-hour-and-14-minute excursion into what Feldman referred to as "scale." Scale in the sense of architecture and mass rather than a series of notes. What is extraordinary about this work is the sheer shimmering beauty of simplicity, which has echoes of Japanese composer Takemitsu without the rubato (non-rhythmic) feel and the sections of the score that repeat at odd times, somewhat like a skip or tape edit. Feldman's observation on scale are worth noting as he posits that "before, my pieces were like objects; now, they're like evolving things." This allows the listener to enter a world where even the smallest shift can offer a radically different aspect in the listening journey. This is quite a remarkable work, one where the diligence and commitment of pianist Fafchamps adds immeasurably to the performance of a composition of an American master.
(Sub Rosa)Morton Feldman / Jean-Luc Fafchamps
Triadic Memories
BY Nilan PereraPublished Mar 3, 2011