Mr. Nobu

C'mon Wid Your C'mon

BY Matt McMillanPublished Feb 1, 2002

Mr. Nobu is the home recording project of super-talented Nobu Adilman, a former co-founding member of Halifax-based Rick of the Skins, whose 2000 CD, Here Comes The Weekend, showcased their infectious '70s FM radio-tinged indie rock. C'mon Wid Your C'mon is an album of catchy experiments recorded at home, using a bargain basement Mac mic on his G3 notebook computer. Equipped with acoustic and electric guitars, a recorder (like the Friendly Giant played), a Hammond Sounder, various Casio keyboards, and his answering machine, he's a one-man skewed pop machine. While the songs have a certain rawness to them, one would never know they were all written on the fly, just as they were recorded (the one exception being the Rick Of The Skins semi-reunion "Without a Scratch"). Mr. Nobu's take on psychedelic indie rock would easily be at home sharing a bill with the Elephant 6 clique. C'mon Wid Your C'mon is rich with irresistible vocal melodies on top of which Mr. Nobu overdubs himself doing multiple harmonies. On most songs, guitars takes a back seat to keyboards, while Mr. Nobu flirts with the cut and past features of his recording software, occasionally dallying with samples, beats and drum loops. His wonky pop gems have a charm and surprisingly textured beauty that belies the ingenuousness of their crude beginnings. Add to that his obvious sense of humour and you have the makings of one of the T-Dot's best-kept secrets.

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