Municipal Waste

The Fatal Feast

BY Bradley Zorgdrager Published Mar 12, 2012

The Fatal Feast is Municipal Waste's fifth album. If they had gone the direction of Megadeth, the band's countdown to thrash extinction would have just begun. If they had followed Metallica, they would have ditched metal entirely. Fortunately, the sandman hasn't entered for these Virginia crossover thrashers just yet; they're more akin to Slayer ― five albums deep and still thrashing at the top of their game. Now let's just hope the Waste don't lose their singer before their next album, à la Anthrax, as this line-up are clearly at the top of the re-thrash game. With lyrics about gore, horror and partying, and the soundtrack to match, this feast will satisfy anyone's appetite. And if you're not hungry yet, just work up an appetite by headbanging along. Like your favourite beer, Municipal Waste are reliable and will whet your whistle for thrash, a comparison the band would welcome with arms, or mouths, wide open.
(Nuclear Blast)

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