MUTEK Digitalis 8: AntiVJ

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Apr 17, 2012

In the eighth instalment of MUTEK's Digitalis, we take a look at visual label AntiVJ. The label is a collective of artists, who came together from all across Europe to work with creators of visual presentations and live performances.

Last year they collaborated with Mexican ambient producer Murcof and you can see some of the resulting performance in this week's episode of Digitalis. In addition to the stunning visual art in the clip, you can check out an interview with a couple of the people with the visual label. They discuss the inspiration behind AntiVJ and the evolution of the technology behind their art.

If you haven't already, check out last week's episode of Digitalis featuring Real Cardinal's project

Comaduster over here, and stay tuned for the ninth and final instalment of MUTEK's Digitalis next week.

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