

BY Chuck MolgatPublished May 1, 2002

If Bond’s double-zero designation represents a license to kill, Mysterio’s triple digits must afford the band a right to create catchy, dynamic studio pop at times reminiscent of Squeeze, Matthew Sweet and Prozzak. According to the analogy, multitalented musician Eric Corne is Mysterio’s Connery, playing as he does just about every instrument here and writing the lion’s share of songs. With the agency staffed by drummer John Kelly and guitarist Simon Craig, along with numerous guests, Watchmen vocalist Danny Greaves and bass player Ken Tizzard among them. The connection there probably has something to do with the fact Corne was raised in Winnipeg, but there’s nothing Watchmen-like about this recording, save perhaps for the fact Corne, like Greaves, seems to have an affinity for the vocal style of Radiohead’s Thom York. Whatever. The pop hues fluctuate throughout the disc, from trippy beats to guitar rock to low-key moments of just piano and vocals. Fortunately, Corne’s range is such that his voice can make good use of a lot of space. His decision to sing clean on most of these 12 tracks is admirable, but there are a few occasions where some effects likely would have made for a more congruous sound. If the idea was to impart a more live feel to the proceedings though, it worked. It also served to warm up the whole production by a couple of degrees.

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