Neil Young's Third "Fireside Session" Delayed Due to Wife Daryl Hannah's Illness

It remains unclear if she has contracted COVID-19

BY Allie GregoryPublished Apr 5, 2020

What appeared to be the birth of a weekly livestream event from Neil Young — a series of performances dubbed the "Fireside Sessions" — has been derailed due to his wife Daryl Hannah's unexpected illness.

Whether Hannah contracted coronavirus or if she came down with another illness entirely remains unclear. Either way, Young has posted an update on her health indicating that she is now on the mend. However, because the couple are in isolation in their Colorado home and Hannah is the only one available to film Young's new livestream, the third instalment of "Fireside Sessions" has unfortunately been delayed.

"Stay tuned for an announcement in The NYA Times Contrarian when our next one will be posted," Young wrote in an Instagram post, ensuring fans that the next episode is on its way, adding, "All of the previous sessions are still available."

Young previously aired the sessions' first and second instalments to encourage fans to self-isolate during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"Because we are all at home and not venturing out," he wrote of the series, "We will try to do a stream from my fireplace with my lovely wife filming. It will be a down-home production, a few songs, a little time together."

Stay tuned to Neil Young Archives for the series's third instalment.

Read Young's update below.

Hello there! Our next fireside session is finally in the works and should be coming soon! There was a brief delay, as my lovely wife was ill for several days and had to isolate herself, even during our isolation. It proved particularily challenging on the food front, however, she recovered, all is well now and we're back on track. When we first tried to send a livestream out, it failed because our bandwidth is so low. @dhlovelife films, records and edits them all on her iPad and of course includes the obligatory commercial from our sponsor. Then our dear friend comes by, (in requisite mask and gloves) picks up the iPad outside the door, transports it to town many miles away in order to use the internet and sends it on to our home base, Lost Planet, all while shopping for food. Just to sending file takes an entire day…. For this, the third session, the file will head to J. Hanlon so he can see if there is any way to adjust the sound and deal with our limited tech…. And then, we'll stream it directly to you from NYA! Stay tuned for an announcement in The NYA Times Contrarian when our next one will be posted, and on page #4, all of the previous sessions are still available. remains free to all for the time being, so you can explore, and we hope you will subscribe to NYA so that you can hear all the music in High Resolution, watch the films and videos and dive deep 24/7! We hope these Fireside Sessions bring you a bit of comfort, a chuckle, or a small respite during these strange times. Most importantly- We hope you feel the love! All Together, Be Well N&D --

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