This Cincinnati rock quartets seven-song debut CD is charged with that unmistakable energy of musicians playing with far more passion than experience. In this instance, thats a good thing. It also forgives the band for kicking off proceedings with what promises to be a not-quite-lethargic cover of the Pistols "Problems and ends up sounding like a rough demo from the Hives. Front and centre organ leads are delivered with at least two fingers and most of the vocal yelping gets that same sort of overdriven, underpowered production effect that the Strokes rely on. Despite the slop-choppy presentation, most of these tracks will likely entice folks inclined towards dancing to do just that. Those disposed to the enjoyment of subtlety will probably just want to change the disc.
(Shake It)Not
The Not
BY Chuck MolgatPublished Feb 1, 2004