Panda Bear

"Tropic of Cancer" (video)

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Apr 8, 2015

Animal Collective's Noah Lennox returned in a big way earlier this year, releasing the latest record under his Panda Bear moniker, Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper.
Now, he's shared a video for the album's previously heard single "Tropic of Cancer." The clip is a stylized sensory overload, playing with beautifully shot textures and colours like shiny, chocolate-esque dog fur, vibrant Astroturf and crazy nail art, before shifting its focus to a family dressed as silk panda bears.
It's abstract, odd, and beautiful to look at, though it takes a bit of a violent turn towards the end. It was directed by Lennox's Animal Collective bandmate Avey Tare, and you can give it a watch in the player below.
Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper is out now via Domino.

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