Papa Roach Launch (Broken) Home Goods Collection

This is their last resort

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Nov 8, 2023

Papa Roach have always been keen to lean into the meme, so it hardly comes as a surprise that the band have wholly embraced the enduring impact of their internet-beloved song "Last Resort," which recently hit a billion plays on Spotify.

Named after another hit from their 2000 sophomore album Infest, the band have now launched Broken Home Goods — a home goods collection, if that's necessary to clarify. The undeniable star of the merch line is the Cut My Life into Pizza pizza cutter, which seems to be the inevitable culmination of years of people mishearing that iconic "Cut my life into pieces" line in "Last Resort."

As the kitchen tool's packaging notes, plastic forks are not included with purchase — but your satisfaction is still guaranteed. The collection also features a Papa's Kitchen apron and a Papa's Roast coffee blend named Ego Drip after their most recent album, Ego Trip, as well as a travel mug emblazoned with "Grind these beans into pieces." No such thing as beating a dead horse here!

Despite the promotional graphic, Broken Home Goods products are not available at your local As Seen on TV store. You can, however, shop the collection at the band's website.

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