Paul Westerberg Contemplates Replacements Reunion, New Box Set

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Aug 23, 2011

Aside from two pseudo-reunion songs recorded for a compilation in 2006, fabled drunk-rock heart-tuggers the Replacements have been inactive since 1991. Considering how influential the Minneapolis punks were, it's unsurprising that band leader Paul Westerberg is constantly fielding questions of whether or not the Mats will get back together. At present, he kind of thinks it could happen.

A recent interview with Rolling Stone had the singer admitting that he's toyed around with the idea of getting back together with the band's surviving members, bassist Tommy Stinson and drummer Chris Mars (guitarist Bob Stinson died in 1995).

"I don't know, man," Westerberg said. "You catch me on one day and I think, 'Oh hell, why not?' Tommy [Stinson] has never stopped. He's a performer. I'm more of a writer-artist, though I perform as well -- or at least I used to. But, God... I don't know."

He went on to add that while he might be down to do the reunion, other members might not be as interested.

"Chris wouldn't do it," Westerberg added. "He might get together in a room and sit around and shoot the shit and if there were instruments, might play. I don't know more than that. I don't think Chris would ever go out and tour. I met with him last year a couple of times just for fun. Tommy is a little more aggressive towards it, because I think he needs a gig."

Before you get your hopes up, Tommy Stinson has already quashed the reunion rumours. Despite Westerberg's insinuation that Stinson's out of work, the musician has an upcoming solo set, not to mention a spot in Guns N' Roses to keep him busy.

"He thinks I need a gig?" Stinson said. "That's funny. I got fucking three or four gigs going at any one time. Paul likes to sit home and record in his basement, and that works for him. I like to perform. But you never know. I'm more like, if a reunion happens, it happens. If the planets align and the oceans don't swallow up the earth first."

Stinson also added, "The only reason we would ever do it would be to get paid. We're not going to recapture anything."

As for Westerberg, he also hinted that he has some sort of box set in the works. It's unclear if it will be a career-spanning set covering his Replacements material, or if it will just focus on his solo stuff.

"On a whim I got to dig through some old tapes," Westerberg explained. "I found one song I never put on anything for people to hear. Then I dug deeper and found the original 'Good Day' [from 1996's solo LP Eventually]. That pretty much stunned me. I have to close this box set pretty soon because this could take the rest of my life just going through all these things and going, 'God, why was that there.'"

Considering it's in its embryonic stage, a release date has not been set for the box set.


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