

BY Keith CarmanPublished Sep 14, 2009

To the average band, a three-song EP clocking in at 20 minutes isn't exactly concise. When referring to groove metal instrumentalists Pelican, however, it's a drop in the bucket. And, as one would expect, that drop is so sweet and addictive it's an aural dose of heroin coursing through your ear drums. Comprised of the title track, "Embedding The Moss" and a cover of Earth's "Geometry Of Murder," with guest guitarist Dylan Carson, these five- and seven-minute tracks continue in the progressive yet inherently catchy vibe the Chicago outfit have become synonymous with. Epic and dynamic while still feeling incredibly grounded in the formative elements of great rock'n'roll, each tune is a journey of sound with subtle build-ups, unmistakable climaxes and celebratory finales that are so engaging and awe-inspiring vocals would only sully the brilliance. How they manage to be progressive yet rooted in the basics is a mystery but if Ephemeral is any indication of how this band continue to improve, we are in store for plenty of jaw-dropping moments in the future from Pelican.
(Southern Lord)

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