The Racoons


BY Amanda AshPublished Nov 23, 2009

The Racoons, a four-piece rock outfit from Victoria, BC, are one of the few bands you can get drunk off of without the stomach-churning, ill after-effects. When their debut EP, Islomania, first reaches your ears, you won't be able to get enough of tracks like "Rise & Fall," "No, It Meant Nothing" and "Room To Operate." You can indulge in their intoxicating soundscapes filled with moody synths, jazzy horns, echoing vocals and suave rock swagger for hours on end. And unlike other records where obsessive repetition can lead to your eternal hating and swearing off of the damned discs, you can get up the next day, and the day after that, to give it another whirl. For a debut, Islomania is a solid chunk of pop rock goodness.

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