Radius and Helena

Precious Metals

BY Scott A. GrayPublished Oct 25, 2008

Toronto's Radius And Helena have engaged in an exhaustive amount of fine craftsmanship in the construction of their Precious Metals debut LP. Exceeding the vague expectations of greatness implied in their early demos, this group of sci-fi enthusiasts have reared a viral but beautiful beast of a sound. Radiohead's art pop funk vibe is stamped all over the hazy robotic rave of "City Of Fingers," while the discordant psychedelic squall of Sonic Youth-bred guitars pokes through layers of progressive song structure at least a little in debt to early Blonde Redhead. These influences aren't really as obvious after listening through the whole album, and R&H's voice is never lost in the familiarity of their building blocks. A dark ferocity drives the album's most passionate passages. Even when spinning a catchy melody or atmospheric ballad, the group maintain an inspiring level of intensity and dedication to keeping things interesting. With Precious Metals at their command, Radius And Helena should be on course for a bright future playing amidst the stars that inspire them.

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