Rise Against Team Up With Peta2 For Protest Contest

BY Keith CarmanPublished Mar 10, 2009

In a move to get us couch potato politi-punks motivated, shit-hot act Rise Against have devised something to hit us where it matters. Rise Against are lending their visages to animal rights organization Peta2's protest over Canada's baby seal hunt, sweetening the pot with an award for greatest achievement.

In order to drum up support for eliminating the annual slaughter, Rise Against - vocalist Tim McIlrath, bassist Joe Principe, drummer Brandon Barnes and guitarist Zach Blair - have created a contest that coincides with their forthcoming summer tour with Rancid, where fans are urged to collect signatures on petitions for Peta2's cause. The fan in each destination city that amasses the most signatures will receive two free tickets to the show. As an added bonus, winners will be invited to a private meet-and-greet with the band.

While Peta2's protest is garnering increased attention thanks to Rise Against's assistance - who have been long-time vegans/vegetarians and Peta2 supporters - the organization is committed to maintaining the campaign far beyond the summer tour, promising action through to the 2010 Winter Olympics Games in Vancouver.

"The international outcry against Canada's shameful seal slaughter grows louder every year, and now Rise Against have added their powerful voice to the chorus," says Peta2 Assistant Director Dan Shannon. "If Canada wants to clean up its world image for the Olympics, the first thing it should do is call off the massacre."

For more information about the contest, visit Peta2's website.

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