Rumours Again Erupt that the Beatles Are Finally Coming to iTunes

BY Jason SchreursPublished Sep 2, 2009

Speculation is running rampant that a September 9 announcement by Apple will include the unveiling of the Beatles catalogue for iTunes. Next Wednesday is also the release date for The Beatles: Rock Band and the group's remastered back catalogue, so an Apple tie-in makes sense.

According to Rolling Stone, Apple's new tagline of "It's only rock and roll, but we like it" - an obvious riff on the Rolling Stone's song "It's Only Rock 'n' Roll (But I Like It)" - might be a way of throwing music fans off the Beatles announcement trail. But the Beatles/iTunes announcement has been rumoured since Apple's September 2007 press conference.

Then in March of 2008 CNET reported that negotiations were underway for Apple to purchase the Beatles back catalogue for iTunes at a tune of $600 million, but since then the sale has been tied up in legalities and royalty rights discussions amongst the band and copyright owners.

Whether or not the Beatles will finally be coming to iTunes, next week's Apple press conference will also include the unveiling of new products and advancements from the technology giant, including iPod Nano and Touch models with more gigs of storage, iTunes 9, and the Cocktail software that we told you about in July.

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