​Russian-Canadian Pussy Riot Member Peter Verzilov Hospitalized Due to Suspected Poisoning

Photo via @Meduza_en on Twitter

BY Sarah MurphyPublished Sep 13, 2018

Pussy Riot's Peter Verzilov is currently in critical condition at a Moscow hospital after losing his vision, speech and mobility, prompting friends and family to suspect that he was poisoned.
Verzilov and his partner and fellow Pussy Riot member Veronika Nikulshina were arrested last weekend while protesting, and she claims that Verzilov began to feel unwell following their court appearance on Tuesday (September 11).
"First it was his vision, then his ability to speak, and then his ability to walk," she told Meduza. By the time paramedics arrived, Verzilov's condition worsened and he began to convulse, eventually falling in and out of consciousness.
He was admitted to the toxicology wing at Moscow's Bakhrushin City Clinical Hospital, but staff would not disclose information about his condition to Nikulshina other than that "his behaviour was improving and he'd started responding to his own name."
When his mother attempted to visit her son in hospital yesterday (September 13), she was reportedly turned away until the patient was able to sign a release form giving permission to staff to reveal information about his medical condition.

Prior to his hospitalization, Verzilov complained of mistreatment and lack of nourishment while being detained following his arrest.
The group has since taken to Twitter, asking for contact information for "the best toxicologist" for a consultation.
Verzilov rose to prominence as Pussy Riot's "producer" in 2012. He was formerly married to member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, and started the news website Mediazona with group member Maria Alyokhina in 2014. He was among the group of protestors that stormed the field during the World Cup final earlier this summer.
Though born in Russia, Verzilov attended school in Toronto from 1999 until 2003, gaining Canadian residency and a Canadian passport.

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