Sense Field

Part of the Deal

BY Stuart GreenPublished Oct 1, 1999

By the time the eponymous Sense Field full-length comes out in February, it will have been almost four years between records — I guess being one of the greatest rock bands on the planet brings it's own complications. But take heart, this five-track teaser EP should be enough to tide you over until then. Two tracks (the throbbing “One More Time Around” and “Open Heart Surgery”) are from the next record, two (the rocking title track and the delicate “All the Ships at Sea”) are outtakes available only here. The fifth track is a reworked, re-recording of a split single contribution “Every Reason,” which harkens back to the edgy drive of the Building disc. The others, however, are more epic and acoustic-guitar based, and reminiscent of the band's work on the gorgeous Killed For Less record. Comparisons to a post-punk version of Radiohead would not be out of order.
(Grape OS)

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