Serena Ryder Gets Shawn Hook, Jessi Cruickshank, Vivek Shraya for New Version of "Used to You"

The revamped single comes with a video featuring some recognizable Canadians

BY Kaelen BellPublished Sep 3, 2021

Serena Ryder has released a new version of her 2021 single "Used to You," which first appeared on her latest album, The Art of Falling Apart. 

This new rendition features singer Shawn Hook and comes attached to a brand new video featuring a slew of famous Canadians. Tessa Virtue, Jessi Cruickshank, Natasha Negovanlis, Vivek Shraya and Marilyn Denis appear in the video along with a whole bunch of other likely familiar faces, dancing and singing along to the song from their homes. 

Ryder said this about the song and video:

I often think about how "you've changed" is usually meant as an insult. I feel it's the greatest be ever-changing and transforming. "Used to You" is about how nourishing this state can be in a relationship. We often want things to stay just the way they are, but there is a beauty in change and in celebrating all the different, messy, complicated sides of ourselves — the transformative moments! 

Shawn is such an incredible artist and I'm thrilled to have worked on this song with him, and to have so many amazing friends featured in this video and sharing a side of themselves that the public may not always see. We are dancing apart but together, and I feel this video encapsulates the relief, strength and joy that true surrender and change can bring.

The new version's most notable distinction from the original is its swelling horns and, obviously, Shawn Hook's croon. Check it out below.

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