Sex Pistols Say New Album Is Possible

BY Josiah HughesPublished Dec 16, 2008

As we reported back in June, Sex Pistols front-man and all-around attention hound Johnny Rotten has been hinting at a new Sex Pistols album for some time. Well, the rumour mill keeps spinning, as the band have recently dropped some more hints, this time from the gob of bassist Glen Matlock.

In an interview with blog The Quietus, Matlock said that, while the band have no definite plans, a new album is entirely possible. "We've done our bit this year... we'll meet again in the new year and see what we want to do," he said. "We were not recording a new album - I think that journalists are making it up - but you can never say never. We all got ideas between us. It's a double-edged sword if you do it not good as the original, and if you don't do it people want to know why - but it's up to us. We are the masters of our own destiny." Is he trying to say that if the album sucks, it's because they made it suck on purpose?

Maybe Johnny Rotten can pen some lyrics about butter.

Johnny Rotten on his favourite butter

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