Saskatoon's Shuyler Jansen once again toys with genre boundaries on his third solo album, hanging raw psychedelic trimmings upon a rootsy framework. It's the same formula he tested on his eccentric solo debut, Hobotron, but this time he strikes a more comfortable balance. Voice From the Lake effortlessly blends electronic elements with a folky twang in songs that are bursting with lyrical regret, resentment, alienation and feverish passion. Formerly of Edmonton, AB's beloved country rock outfit Old Reliable, this is Jansen's third solo album and the follow-up to 2007's Steve Dawson-produced, full-on roots record, Today's Remains. Recorded with Vancouver, BC production team JC/DC (New Pornographers, Destroyer), Voice From the Lake features appearances by keyboardist Ford Pier, guitarist Paul Rigby and members of Deep Dark Woods. Alternately simmering with synthesizer and exploding with robust electric guitar, the album contains some genuinely heart-pounding moments. It's an artistic triumph for an evolving and consistently captivating Canadian songwriter.
(Scratch)Shuyler Jansen
Voice From the Lake
BY Rachel SandersPublished Mar 26, 2011