Even as little as a couple of years ago, a unit such as Since By Man, one who plays a diverse, infectious, unconventional and gripping blend of rock, metal and hardcore, would have had to face the same trials and tribulations and general apathy as trailblazers Botch, Ink & Dagger, the National Acrobat and even the legendary Refused, who, as one may recall, few cared about until long after their break-up. However, with the way at least broken, if not paved, Since By Man are poised to enjoy the success that eluded their forebears. Songs such as "Whats Your Damage, "The Enemy and "If It Bleeds It Leads are relentless and palpable in their combination of rock-like swagger and catchiness, moments of metallic mosh fury and serrated but intertwining hardcore/punk riffs, all laced with a slightly social-political poetic agenda and sarcasm. Its unquestionably a difficult but intriguing blend to get just right, and Since By Man accomplish it impeccably. Shades of Converge, the Blood Brothers, EverytimeIdie, Botch, Refused and other unconventional artists past and present, streak the proceedings, but Since By Man have delivered a debut full-length that stakes it own claim to one day breaking the trail and leading the pack.
Since By Man
BY Chris GramlichPublished Jan 1, 2006