Sleigh Bells

'Kid Kruschev' (album stream)

BY Brock ThiessenPublished Nov 10, 2017

Sleigh Bells are officially back. Following last year's Jessica Rabbit record, the noise-pop duo have now hit us up with the new Kid Kruschev mini-album, which you can now stream in full.

The release comes with seven new tracks from Sleigh Bells. Speaking of the new songs, the group's Derek Miller previously had this to say of the collection in a statement:

Doesn't feel like the sky is falling, feels more like it fell. Maybe a long time ago and it's just more obvious now. Lots of friction and darkness as well as opposition to all that, which has been inspiring to see. Alexis moved north of Brooklyn recently, somewhere with trees and cliffs, providing us with a new space to write and record without pissing off neighbors, so that's what we've been doing. We didn't want to wait another year or two to release something. We like the idea of putting out shorter records at a more consistent rate, so we're gonna give it a shot for a while, see how it feels. Thanks for listening. Take care.

Kid Kruschev is out now via the band's Torn Clean label, and you can stream it below.

As previously reported, Sleigh Bells also have a North American tour coming up, and you can see all the dates here.

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