Star Fucking Hipsters

Never Rest in Peace

BY Brad SchmalePublished Nov 17, 2009

Like a persistent cockroach poking its head into the daylight, out comes the second release from Manhattan's motley crew of crusty squatter punks. Lead by Leftover Crack/Choking Victim front-man and all around cop-hater Sturg "Stza" Crack and accompanied by members of Ensign and Degenerics, Star Fucking Hipsters play an eclectic brand of punk rock that incorporates elements of thrash, pop and ska. Unlike Sturg's previous nihilistic bands, the Hipsters aren't afraid to wear their hearts on their sleeves and pen songs that are as emotional as they are confrontational. Assisting on vocals is Nico de Gaillo, whose soft, melodic delivery contrasts well with Sturg's gravelly roars, particularly on the disc's most infectious tunes: "3,000 Miles Away," "Design" and "Severance Pay." Never Rest in Peace is an impressive effort that successfully combines abrasive punk with pop sensibilities while possessing the true rebellious spirit. Fight 'til you die.
(Alternative Tentacles)

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