The Streets

"The Day After the Day Off On One" (video)

BY Gregory AdamsPublished Nov 23, 2010

Who says celebrities don't read their own press? A post on the Guardian yesterday (November 22) by writer James McMahon praised the Streets' Mike Skinner for his innovative use of fan tweets to help him write new songs, but lamented the fact that the English hip-hop artist hadn't been writing that many hung-over tweets of his own these days. Amazingly, Skinner almost immediately filmed a response, thanking McMahon for his kind words and dropped "The Day After the Day Off On One," a new video that shows Streets' process of crafting a new tune.

Skinner says the track shows "the genuine process through which one obtains the clouded head that leads to the morning after a day off on one." And, uh, it kind of looks like a bummer of an ordeal.

The clip finds the MC milling about his flat smoking hand-rolled cigarettes, playing Xbox and fiddling around on his computer while dropping lyrics about "watching old YouTube shit."

It's an interesting look into the artist's mind, and it goes to show how the Internet has increasingly become an important tool to communicate.

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