Rooted in post-hardcore, Empty Rooms has a strong foundation of extremity. However, as the album progresses, it becomes quite obvious that Suicide Note refuse to adhere to the confines of the genres established parameters. Branching out at every possible odd angle, these ten tracks range from sporadic and angular to disarmingly lilting, hinting at influences from pop punks saccharine melodies, modern hardcores ungainly rhythms, metals confrontational attitude and all points in between. Stepping into the same spaces occupied by Fugazi and Planesmistakenforstars, Empty Rooms constantly twists and turns in an effort to push the envelope of both acceptance and diversity. However, while other bands strive for the same yet fail to accomplish anything of importance, Suicide Note manage to unify creativity and experimentalism with impressive results.
(Hawthorne Street)Suicide Note
Empty Rooms
BY Keith CarmanPublished Sep 28, 2008