Ten Foot Pole

Subliminable Messages

BY Stuart GreenPublished May 1, 2004

Really only Ten Foot Pole in name, this incarnation of the determined and enduring SoCal scensters — the band is now a decade in existence — is a quite a ways away from what it was on Rev. Not that that’s bad thing, mind you. Sole surviving original member Dennis Jaggard and his new band have created a record that is truly a team effort and the diversity of influences shows. From the opening metallic chug of the angry and political "Wake Up (and Smell the Fascism)” to the giddy-up alt-country gallop of "The Quest” and the straight outta the ’80s girl song "Shee Looks Like,” the record is not just the million miles an hour pop punk of their earlier efforts, although there’s plenty of that too. A diverse record that mostly hits its intended mark.

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