Last summer, Tom Waits embarked on a brief midwestern U.S. tour dubbed the Glitter and Doom Tour. Naturally, the tour was a disappointment for coastal Americans and all Canadians but now it's been revealed that recordings from the live dates will be getting a proper album release.
While Wait's label, Anti-, has yet to drop any info, photographer Michael T. Regan [via TwentyFourBit] knows about the release because the label asked for his photos to use in the packaging.
We don't know the tracklisting or release date but Anti- has confirmed to Exclaim! that the live record is in the works. We also know that Tom Waits: Glitter and Doom Live will definitely be getting a vinyl release, with more digital formats likely to join it.
While Wait's label, Anti-, has yet to drop any info, photographer Michael T. Regan [via TwentyFourBit] knows about the release because the label asked for his photos to use in the packaging.
We don't know the tracklisting or release date but Anti- has confirmed to Exclaim! that the live record is in the works. We also know that Tom Waits: Glitter and Doom Live will definitely be getting a vinyl release, with more digital formats likely to join it.