Trap Them

Sleepwell Deconstructor

BY Chris GramlichPublished Mar 28, 2007

The one-time side-project of former Backstabbers Incorporated vocalist Ryan John McKenney and December Wolves guitarist Brian Izzi, Trap Them have emerged as one of the fiercest, ugliest, most threatening malcontents around and with Sleepwell Deconstructor, their debut full-length, have easily released a dyed-in-the-wool killer that’ll challenge for the upper echelons of year-end top ten lists everywhere. Sleepwell Deconstructor’s opener, "Day One: Insomniawesome,” sets the pace out of the gate: frantic, confrontational, unrelenting, imperfect and real. Trap Them (which also features members of seminal sludge act Grief and Transistor Transistor on the recording) aren’t just another group of cherub-faced kids with perfect haircuts, piercings and tattoos getting their emo in hardcore’s breakdowns, they are a destructive force of nature, seemingly unleashed by the gods of aggressive music to punish the underground for its hubris. Easy musical touchstones include grind acts such as Nasum, the unrelenting assault of Tragedy and the chainsaw guitar clear-cutting of vintage Entombed, as well, there are commonalities to Canadian contemporaries Cursed. However, there’s a viciousness and need to the music that separates it from its influences, making it greater than the sum of its parts, intentionally sacrificing technical acumen for fury. As they scream in the opener: "prepare.”

In "Day One: Insomniawesome,” the word "prepare” is repeated like a warning/threat.
McKenney: We’re all going to die, soon. Do what you want to do — live, create, get it all out of your system — so when you swallow that bomb you can feel alive for a split second before your body is all over the walls. "Prepare” is very much a threat and it’s directed towards every bastard who thinks they are a living legacy and untouchable.

Under influences you have simply "revenge...”
You’re born to fall in line, get a job and waste your life doing things you don’t want to do. This is our "fuck you.” To wake up and spit in the face of the normal routine and instead do what you want is the greatest revenge.

How important was it to make such a forceful musical statement?
I know a lot of bands say this but, honestly the moment we heard the final output we were completely satisfied and had no worries as to whether people would like it or not. The fact that people have heard it and are into it is a huge bonus. We’re ugly dudes making ugly music for an ugly word and I think as long as we go about it honestly ears will take notice.
(Trash Art)

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