Twin Shadow

"At My Heels" (video)

BY Alex HudsonPublished Mar 31, 2011

Here's one of the more baffling videos to hit the web in recent memory. It comes from NYC pop dude Twin Shadow, who just released a clip for "At My Heels," from last year's Forget.

What makes this one so weird? Well, as of press time, the video is only available with a director's commentary. Y'know, like one of those DVD extra features that you never bother to watch, where the filmmakers just talk over the visuals. The volume of the music is low, meaning that you spend most of it listening to the filmmakers give dopey (and entirely tongue-in-cheek) observations about how the stars represent the blogosphere.

The weird part is that this appears to be the final version of the video, rather than just an extra tidbit for hardcore fans. If you head over the website that has been created for the video, there's no indication that anything else is on the way. In fact, the entire thing appears to be a big joke, especially given the list of fake awards that the video has supposedly received (including a nomination for "Most Ostentatious Use of an Endangered Species" from Cannes, and being recognized a "mildly Russian" by the Moscow Film Festival).

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