Un Blonde Changes Name to Yves Jarvis, Announces New Album

Watch the video for "Fruits of Disillusion" now

BY Josiah HughesPublished Dec 11, 2018

Calgary-bred, Montreal-based artist Jean-Sebastien Audet has made plenty of waves under his Un Blonde moniker, but it's time to move on from that name. For his next album and from now on, he'll go by the name Yves Jarvis.

In a press release, Audet said Un Blonde simply wasn't cutting it. "I don't identify with it at all," he said. "I knew I needed something that I could identify with." Yves is his middle name and Jarvis is his mother's maiden name, so the new name stuck.

With a new moniker in tow, Yves Jarvis will release the album The Same but by Different Means next year. Ahead of its arrival in full, you can watch the Colin Medley-directed video from "Fruits of Disillusion" below.

The Same but by Different Means will arrive on March 1 via Flemish Eye in Canada and Anti- everywhere else.

The Same but by Different Means:

1. to say that is easy
2. the plight comes
3. sugar coated
4. nothing new
5. constant change
6. out of the blue, into both hands
7. into the forefront
8. 360
9. forward
10. curtain of rain
11. hard to say bye
12. fruits of disillusion
13. that don't make it so
14. pigs at the helm
15. time and place
16. blue V
17. goodbye reason, goodbye rhyme
18. dew of the dusk
19. talking or listening?
20. glory to you
21. exercise E
22. the truth

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