

BY Laura Wiebe TaylorPublished Nov 19, 2007

Vendlus Records describes V:28 as an industrial death metal band, and though it’s true that Violution combines elements of industrial and death metal, neither the album nor band are so easily categorised. Much like the unpredictable fusions pervading parts one and two of this dystopian trilogy, Violution emerges in an uneasy collage of haunting, caressing and extreme sounds: brutal riffs, samples, orchestration, serenades and snarls. Even in its most ambient or melodious interludes the album is tense — there’s a dark tonality on the verge of menacing dissonance and steady, pulsing beats threatening to erupt into chaotic violence. The subtitle "…choking on black liquid death…” would seem fitting if V:28 didn’t so thoroughly disguise poison as pleasure. The CD includes an eerie video for "Shut It Down,” one of the most groove-focused tracks in an extended series of shifting beats. Among other delights, Violution also features guest appearances by Ulver’s Garm and Lycia’s Mike VanPortFleet.

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